A new report between ITV News and ADHD UK revealed that across the UK, the average waiting time for ADHD referrals is three years for children, whilst, in some parts of the country, adults have had to wait up to 10 years.
Studies like this and the real people it affects paint the picture of the agonisingly long waiting times that many parents are forced to go through to get their children diagnosed.
This report reflects what our team sees and hears through the children, families, and adults we connect with and support every day and their experiences of being diagnosed with a neurodiverse condition. This is what makes what we do so important to so many; we are here to help families in need. Our playscheme and outreach services can help families in waiting, to provide vital support that can alleviate pressures and difficulties they are experiencing.
It's crucial that reports such as this are shown and stories are told, but it's time for action. Watch the full report below.