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A-ND deeply disturbed by parents offered class photo with no 'complex needs' pupils

Updated: Mar 29

As a charity dedicated to supporting children with additional support needs (ASN) and their families, we are deeply disturbed and concerned by the recent incident involving the option given to parents to choose class photos with or without children with complex needs at Aboyne Primary.

This situation starkly highlights the persistent stigma and discrimination facing ASN children and their families in 2024. It's not just an isolated incident but a reflection of broader societal attitudes that continue to marginalise and exclude individuals based on their needs.

This act of offering such choices not only undermines the dignity of children but also sends a damaging message to all pupils about inclusion and respect. A-ND believes that every child deserves to be fully included and repsected in their community and educational settings, and incidents like these only serve to reinforce outdated prejudices that we work tirelessly to eliminate.

We call on all stakeholders, including education providers, service providers, and the wider community, to join us in condemning such practices and to commit to fostering environments where all children are valued equally. It's crucial that we work together to educate and challenge these stigmas, ensuring a more inclusive and accepting society for children and their families.

Billy Alexander


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